BDO Caphras Stone Explained: Enhance Your Gear and Progress Faster

bdo caphras stone explainedBlack Desert Online (BDO Caphras Stone Explained) is an immersive MMORPG with an extensive endgame that requires players to continuously upgrade their gear to progress further.

One of the ways to upgrade gear in BDO is through the use of Caphras Stones. In this guide, we will explain what Caphras Stones are, how to obtain them, and how to use them to enhance your gear and progress faster.

What is the BDO Caphras Stone Explained and Why is it Important?

Caphras Stones are a special type of stone in BDO that can be used to enhance gear. They were introduced in the game with the Kamasylvia Part 2 expansion and have become an essential part of the game since then.

Caphras Stones are used to add extra stats to gear, making it more powerful and effective in combat. The extra stats are randomized, but they are always beneficial and can significantly improve a player’s performance.

Caphras Stones can be used to enhance all types of gear, including weapons, armor, and accessories. They can be used to enhance gear that is already at its maximum enhancement level, which makes them valuable for players who have reached the endgame.

Also Read: Enhance Your Gear Efficiently with the BDO Caphras Stone Calculator

Ways to Obtain Caphras Stones in BDO: A Comprehensive Guide

There are several ways to obtain Caphras Stones in BDO. The most common ways are:

  1. Grinding:
    Grinding is a popular method of obtaining Caphras Stones in BDO. You can grind in various areas of the game to obtain them. The drop rate of Caphras Stones is low, but it can be increased with certain buffs, such as the Kamasylvia Blessing.
  2. Alchemy:
    Alchemy is another way to obtain Caphras Stones in BDO. You can craft Caphras Stones using alchemy recipes, which require various materials that can be obtained through gathering and other activities.
  3. Purchase:
    You can also purchase Caphras Stones from the Central Market in BDO. The price of Caphras Stones varies depending on the demand and supply, so it’s essential to keep an eye on the market if you want to buy them.

Also Read: BDO Caphras Calculator

Enhancing Gear with Caphras Stones: A Beginner’s Guide to Enhancing Your BDO Experience

Enhancing gear with Caphras Stones is a simple process in BDO. To enhance gear with Caphras Stones, follow these steps:

  1. Have the gear you want to enhance in your inventory.
  2. Go to a Blacksmith in any major city or town.
  3. Click the “Enhance” button and select the gear you want to enhance.
  4. Select the Caphras Stone from your inventory that you want to use.
  5. Click the “Enhance” button to enhance your gear with the Caphras Stone.

It’s important to note that enhancing gear with Caphras Stones can be expensive, and it’s not always guaranteed to succeed. There is a chance that the enhancement can fail, which can result in the loss of the Caphras Stone and the gear’s durability. It’s recommended to have backup gear and Caphras Stones in case of failure.

Also Read: BDO Codex Caphras Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Your Gear

How to Use Caphras Stones to Enhance Your Gear in BDO: Tips and Tricks for Success

To get the most out of Caphras Stones, it’s essential to use them strategically. Here are some tips and tricks to use Caphras Stones effectively:

  1. Prioritize your gear:
    Not all gear is equal, and some are more valuable than others. It’s important to prioritize your gear based on your playstyle and focus on enhancing the most valuable pieces first.
  2. Use Caphras Stones wisely:
    Caphras Stones are a valuable resource, so it’s essential to use them wisely. It’s recommended to save them for higher-level gear, such as weapons and armor, rather than using them on low-level gear that you will eventually replace.
  3. Keep an eye on the market:
    The price of Caphras Stones can fluctuate, so it’s important to keep an eye on the market and buy them when they are affordable. You can also sell Caphras Stones on the market if you have extra ones.
  4. Have backup gear and Caphras Stones:
    Enhancing gear with Caphras Stones can be a risky process, so it’s recommended to have backup gear and Caphras Stones in case of failure.
  5. Consider the cost-benefit:
    Enhancing gear with Caphras Stones can be expensive, so it’s important to consider the cost-benefit of each enhancement. It’s not always necessary to enhance gear to the maximum level, so focus on enhancing gear that will provide the most significant benefit for your playstyle.

Also Read: Enhance Your Defense with BDO Caphras DP: A Comprehensive Guide


Caphras Stones are an essential part of enhancing gear in BDO. They provide a valuable way to add extra stats to gear, making it more powerful and effective in combat. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can effectively use Caphras Stones to enhance your gear and progress faster in the game. Remember to prioritize your gear, use Caphras Stones wisely, keep an eye on the market, have backup gear and Caphras Stones, and consider the cost-benefit of each enhancement. With these strategies, you can become a more effective player in BDO and enjoy all that the game has to offer.